Scribe Filter Tutorial
Creating A Simple User Defined Filter
- To creating a user defined filter in i.Scribe or
InScribe start with clicking Filters -> New
Filter in the main window's menubar.
Give the filter a name, and then click on the Conditions tab.
- Now on the conditions page we need to add a new condition element by clicking
the "New Condition" button here:
The bar at the top labelled "Legend:" just describes what all the buttons on the
bars do.
- Now you have a new grey condition bar with 3 edit fields and a few more buttons.
The 3 white edit boxes are from left to right, the Field, the Condition and the
Value. Lets set the Field first. Say we want the filter to match a friend of ours so
that we can move incoming email from them into a specific folder. We would click the
drop down on the From field:
And then select "From" in the menu.
- The next field to the right is the condition, and in this case we want a simple string
match, so "Contains" will do. Click the drop down to the right of the middle field:
And select "Contains" from the menu.
- So now, we just need to give the condition a value, and in this case it'll be the email
address of your friend, so just click in the last field and type in their email address:
So thats the condition completed.
- Next is setting up the actions that are executed when the condition is met. To do that
click on the "Actions" tab of the filter window. Initially there are no actions, so first
lets create one by clicking on the "New" button:
- By default new actions are of the type "Move To Folder" which happens to be what we want
but if you want something else then use the combo box to change "Move To Folder" to one
of the other possible actions. For instance "Mark As Read" is useful or
"Set Label". Now the "Move To Folder" action needs to know what folder to move the email
to, so we configure that by clicking the button labelled "..." at the end of the line
marked "Argument:" and that opens a window to select a mail folder:
Select the folder you want the mail to go to and click "Ok".
- If you want to run more than one action for a given filter, just click "New" again and
setup a 2nd action. If you have more than one action, you can navigate the actions with
the scrollbar.
- Now all thats left to do is click the "Save and Close" button and your done.