Index > Scribe > Wow, I have a situation here | |
Author/Date | Wow, I have a situation here |
Steve 16/07/2014 9:37am | I am running the commercial version of InScribe, I can't tell you what version because I can't start it. This has been running just fine for months. Tonight, my pc shut down unexpectedly. Now when I try to start my email client, it comes to a screen that asks me to select a language. I select English, and then I get a screen that says:
InScribe is copyright Matthew Allen 1999-2014 Please enter the name you used to purchase this software and the key that you recieved: There are fields to enter Purchaser Name and Software Key. I have no idea what to enter here because I can not open the email client. The last entry in the crashdata file is this: Unhandled Exception Code: c0000005 Date: 7/15/2014 6:27:53p Description: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Call stack: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10016C02: C:\Email\Scribe\Lgi.dll Offset: 0x1754 (ResFactory::Res_Write) 75251287: C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll Offset: 0x4C (itow_s) 7692338A: C:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll Offset: 0x12 (BaseThreadInitThunk) 773D9EF2: C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll Offset: 0x63 (RtlInitializeExceptionChain) ------------------------------------------------------------------ HELP! |
fret 16/07/2014 10:05am | You can check the version by right clicking on Scribe.exe and selecting properties. Then on the details tab there is a File Version with some number next to it. It would be good to know what that is.
Secondly, you may find a crash dump in c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Scribe\Scribe???.dmp If you can get that to me eventually I might be able to find the crash. While you're in that folder you should find a ScribeOptions.bak file, which is a backup of your options, including your software key. Rename ScribeOptions.xml to ScribeOptionsOld.xml and then rename ScribeOptions.bak to ScribeOptions.xml You might be able to start the client at that point. I would just email you the software key again but if you don't have a different way of reading your email (like a web interface) then that isn't going to help. Worst comes to worst I'll give you a temporary key here. |
fret 16/07/2014 10:09am | Did you register with a different email?
Because I'm looking for your purchase and can't find it under that email or your first name. I want to regenerate your key and email it to you (You have a gmail address and will be able to access it using the web interface @ |
fret 19/07/2014 9:35pm | How did you go with the key I sent? |
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