
Index > Scribe > Messages previously read marked unread
Author/Date Messages previously read marked unread
20/11/2003 7:36am
Sometimes when I open Scribe I have messages that were previously marked as read marked as unread. I have been trying to figure out when this happens. I don't know for sure but it could be that when the message is marked read automatically after 5 sec (which is a great feature) it is not "stored" correctly. I have successfully tried to recreate this "problem".

I previously wrote that I thought the white backgroud on my menues was a problem with my computer. I don't know how but all programs now have the correct colors, except for Scribe. This is also a minor problem/bug? but since you have done such a nice work with the icons it's a little sad.

I hope you will solve the copy problem in the message body (if it's possible) since that is the only thing I miss at the moment.

Thanks for a great mail client!
20/11/2003 4:31pm
Ok the unread thing is a bug.

All these things are on my todo list. I just need to find some time to get around to fixing them. XP menu bug included.
21/11/2003 4:32am
You're doing a great job!
24/11/2003 8:04am
I've hopefully fixed the issues with the HTML control's copy command. No news yet on the other issues.