Index > Scribe > InScribe v2.1 Beta 9 crashes when trying to receive mail | |
Author/Date | InScribe v2.1 Beta 9 crashes when trying to receive mail |
Scott 02/06/2016 8:28pm | Whenever I try to receive mail, InScribe crashes. I tried disabling all of my incoming filters to see if that was the problem, but it wasn't; it still crashes with all filters disabled.
Here's the bottom of the scribe.txt, if that helps: Receive(7) starting main action loop, time=1787 Receive(8) Delete phase, time=1834 Receive(8) Closing the connection, time=1834 Receive(8) Exit, time=1865 Receive(7) Waiting for main thread, time=6188 |
fret 02/06/2016 10:56pm | Does it generate a crash report? |
Scott 03/06/2016 2:39am | There's no crash.dmp produced. |
fret 03/06/2016 8:27am | How many accounts do you have setup?
What type are they? (POP/IMAP etc?) Do they use SSL? |
Scott 03/06/2016 1:06pm | I have 9 accounts set up but only 2 are enabled.
They are all POP and the enabled accounts are using a direct SSL connection. |
Scott 03/06/2016 8:35pm | I just got a few more lines on the crash after receiving mail:
Receive(8) Delete phase, time=18119 Receive(8) Exit, time=18163 Caught exited thread state, Accountlet[8]=033B6760, Thread=03699DA8, &Thread=033B6760 |
Scott 03/06/2016 9:13pm | It seems that versions 2.1.7 and 2.1.8 also crash. InScribe must not like one of my latest emails and gets choked up on it. I can receive on one account without crashing but not the other account. My Inbox on that account has 650 email in it, so narrowing it down would be an ominous task. |
Scott 03/06/2016 10:18pm | I used webmail to archive most of the 600 emails on the server. There are now 26 emails on the server and it now receives without crashing. Is it possible that there is an email with an odd format that Scribe can't handle?
If I get some time, I will play around with the archived messages and see if I can reproduce the problem more precisely. |
fret 04/06/2016 10:29am | Is it possible that there is an email with an odd format that Scribe can't handle? Absolutely. It's typically a HTML message that has some broken format that my HTML control fails to process. If you can isolate the message (or group of messages) and send it to me I can typically fix the issue pretty quickly. The last time this happened the message had nested HTML elements 1000's levels deep. And the parser ran out of stack space or something. All of those elements added nothing to the actual layout, but some other HTML generator had gone a bit nuts. One way to deal with it is to turn off HTML rendering in the options file and then you can [usually] access the messages in question without crashing. However you'll see the text form instead. You can do this by opening your ScribeOptions.xml in a text editor and changing: DefAlt="1"to DefAlt="0"Then trying to find the email in question and export it to a .eml by dragging to the desktop. |
Scott 28/10/2016 10:27pm | It seems that the HTML preview still comes up when no text is available.
Is that correct? I'm still getting a crash in one of my folders. |
fret 29/10/2016 11:53am | It seems that the HTML preview still comes up when no text is available. In the latest build when no text is available the preview will be grey. Is that correct? I'm still getting a crash in one of my folders. Ideally you would provide an export of the email AND the crash dump. But either would be better than nothing. In my previous post on this thread I mentioned how to turn off the HTML display the hard way. The easy way is just use File -> Options -> Appearance -> Reading Email -> Default Alternative = text/plain. Turning off HTML display makes it easier to export the message that crashes the HTML control. Dragging the message to the desktop or another email is the best way to export. Until I have some data to work with I can't really do anything helpful. |
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