Index > Scribe > Bayesian filter | |
Author/Date | Bayesian filter |
mike 16/07/2016 10:07am | I cannot get the spam filter to do anything no matter what setting I use. I have set it to train and rebuilt words list from the filter menu. I have hundreds of spam in the "spam" folder. When I select "filter the current folder" or "filter selected mail" nothing happens. If I select "analyze selected mail" it appears to be working yet the whitelist and statistics are always blank and no mail items are ever moved? I am using i.scribe (free). |
fret 20/07/2016 8:18am | "filter the current folder" or "filter selected mail" nothing happensThese only run the user defined filters, not the Bayesian filter. statistics are always blankI haven't checked that they are working correctly in a long time. So they probably broke a while back and I didn't notice. Just ignore for the time being. no mail items are ever moved?Is there a valid folder path under the "Training mode" option? Are you using IMAP(full)? There is a current bug when new IMAP mail when selecting a folder for the first time in a session don't get filtered. POP3 mail should always get filtered. Which build are you using? |
mike 23/07/2016 2:38am | The incoming server is POP3.
I was on 2.0 then uninstalled it and am now on 2.1 beta 12-neither worked. I do have the "training mode" selected and a folder in the box-typed in and selected from list. I have tried different folder names and making a subfolder of "spam" etc. The mailstore is ....mail3 Currently, it is on a thumb drive as portable mode but I have installed it in desktop mode on the local machine also. I have tried "run as admin" and on other machines. |
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