
Index > Scribe > Notes and shared Adresses
Author/Date Notes and shared Adresses
09/11/2006 6:34am
Currently I'm missing a note tree branch. Wouldn't it be easy to implement a simple note object similar to a calendar entry. That way the note could have a reminder set, but would be listed under "Notes"

Then it might be a good idea to have some more main buttons:
"new note", and "new appointment" which I miss regularly in my daily work.

Also my tree grew very big now, so I Scribe would really need some type of tab control or dividing buttons (like outlook), so that the tree only has to display part of the objects like (Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Notes) Trash could be displayed in all sections. Filters, Outbox, Sent, Spam and so on.. under Mail.

Since the mail part of the current tree and the calendar part is very big alone this would make life much easier.

Finally I'd like to have shared mail and contact folders. Any possibility that this could be managed?

Again, Scribe is an amazing mail client.