Scribe/Mac Beta
Date: 20/4/2007
A new build of Scribe for the Mac has been released and it's had a lot of work poured into it. I expect that most things work now so I'm calling it beta instead of alpha. The change list for Test16 is epic.

I'm now using it as my main mail client to get some miles on the code base. So far so good. I've left it running for days on end with no crashes or out of character memory usage.

A Win32 release will follow shortly. However the Linux port is really broken, I'm having all sorts of trouble fixing some X protocol errors. Although I'm learning a lot more about X than I really wanted to know. I've rewritten the window manager support for the Linux port and it'd be really nice to get that out in the field.

There is a intermittent crash in the account connection shutdown code. This is the main thing blocking the windows build from being labeled "stable".
20/04/2007 10:43pm
I must confess: I am impressed. I already was with test 15, but test 16 is so much better! I should update my Dutch translation, only for this :-)
Great. I have a whole weekend to test!
03/05/2007 8:17am
scribe is the best lightweight email client i ever seen!
thank you for such great work!

^__^ you are genius!
13/05/2007 7:27pm
Several weekends have passed since the release of test 16 ans I am still happy with it. For me it works in everyday use. There are little which might bother me if this was an official release, but hey, it's for testing! I am using my MiniMac much more often since April 20th. I would even like to say: I've stopped testing and started using :-)
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