Pinnacle VideoSpin
Date: 10/5/2010
If you ever consider downloading and using Pinnacle VideoSpin, stop... turn around... and run away as fast as you can. It takes the definition of crap to new levels. Lets see:
  • 130 MB download... Oooook... better be good.
  • Open downloaded exe and it says "Saving setup.exe to \temp...." which it then runs and that then saves Setup.msi to \temp..."... what the? Did they save 3kb doing the Russian Matryoshka doll thing? That is just lazy slack programming.
  • Finally its installed and I run the damn thing, and it comes up with a splash window. Then some time later a blank window with not much in the way of menus or toolbars appears... thinking thats the app I look for something to use to er... like edit videos. Nothing. So I switch back to the "splash" screen still in the background. 3%. 5%. 8%. 11%. 12%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. 13%. Um... task manager... no CPU... no disk access.... it's hung. Ooooooooooooooook.
  • Kill both processes it's started... look in Start -> Program Files -> VideoSpin... no link to uninstall. Ooooooooooooooooook.... arrrrrrggggghhhhhhh.
  • So Add Remove Programs.... uninstall. Uninstaller is currently hung and the system is laggy. I guess that its par for course.

    Like I said... run away. Run far far away.

    That is all.
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