Date: 18/6/2010
The GTK port lives. I've got it to a point where I can put a window, with menus, toolbar and splitter on screen and everything is behaving reasonably correctly. So now I need to add some keyboard support and then slowly throw more and more complex code at it and find / fix bugs.

The big problems were getting Lgi's layout engine to work within the GTK layout engine. Ug... that was hard. But I got there eventually. Main issue was GTK layout wasn't even working because I borked up the configure signal due to a lack of understanding signal propagation.

The next big issue was getting the equivalent of "PostMessage" working with GTK. Which ended up having a stack overflow question.

Finally the images weren't loading. But that really was just a matter of hacking at the GMemDC class till it understood the GdkImage format and returned the right stuff through it's methods.

We could be close to both new Mac and Linux releases soon... this month? Maybe. Mac build is working but I still have those hateful non-virtual thunk errors when I compile with _DEBUG defined in debug mode. So far looks like a gcc compiler bug from what I read on the interwebs.

Developing code for the Linux port in Visual Studio is nice though :-) I seriously enjoy that IDE/Debugger combination, it still kills anything on the Linux + Mac platforms. And of course I do compile / run the code on Ubuntu to test things that I'm not sure about. I even valgrind'd it a bit while I was over there. I ❤ valgrind.
22/06/2010 8:10am
Great! Can' wait to see scribe in gtk! I'm sure if it has the same quality as the windows version it will become very popluar specially in lightweight distributions.
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