Date: 15/2/2011
Tags: outlook email imap | So I spend my life writing this email client to get
away from Outlook:
And then they change to Exchange 2010 which Scribe for whatever reason
can't authenticate on so I start using Outlook 2010 and for a while I put up
with it. Then I after a few weeks I get sick of it and try and get Scribe working
and with Exchange and fail. Then a few weeks go by and then I try again,
different problems. Then more weeks go by, FML. Then I finally have it out
and spend too long frigging with NTLM. I read the M$ docs and they are
completely WRONG. So I download various open source libraries, they are too
old and broken and also WRONG. So I start reading 10 different descriptions
of the protocol on the web, which all conflict, but I start getting the gist of it.
Then I download the Thunderbird source code and start reading that. Because
it does NTLM authentication. And finally after using that as a guide, all these
months later, I authenticate with Exchange's IMAP server. And then notice lots
of things are broken, so fix fix fix, and now it's running OK. Then I see the
calendar folder and click on it, and up shows a list like this:
So Exchange goes to all the trouble of exporting an IMAP folder called
"Calendar" that when you click on has a list of email that contains little notes
to the effect that "Oh hai, there was a calendar entry here, but I moved it, and
btw you need to use Outlook to view it".
Apparently back in Exchange 2002 or something there use to be email
containing vCal attachments in the Calendar folder. But some pointy haired
boss at Microsoft put an end to that interoperability quick smart.