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IMAP | |
Date: 7/4/2007 | Well there is a ground swell of descent in the ranks over the sub-par IMAP(full) implementation in Scribe. So I've decided that instead of lauching into re-writing the back end code I'll write a new caching IMAP implementation on top of the existing codebase. This will use Maildir backend for caching and I will trial some ideas regarding that and indexing and so on as a little sandboxed test project before trying to change the whole mail folder format over to Maildir. That way I can weight up the pros and cons without commiting to an all out rewrite.
Hopefully this will result in a fast and friendly implementation of IMAP(full) for Scribe and also out of that will come a bunch of useful code for expanding that out to things like local mail storage and remote calendaring. |
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New Software Release Feed | |
Date: 2/4/2007 | I've created a new RSS feed for the last 20 Memecode software releases. It has a download link and a list of changes in each post. Some of you might prefer that to having to sign up / maintain preferences in an account.
If you have any great ideas on improving the software release feed just let me know. |
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Traditional Tiling In XAML | |
Date: 2/4/2007 | When old skool coder/designer types hear the word "tiling" they think of a repeating pattern of "tiles" of a fixed size that fills an area. In XAML it's not immediately obvious how to do traditional tiling so now that I've worked it out I'm going to share so that Google will index it for the next hapless user needing to tile something.
<DrawingBrush TileMode="Tile" Viewport="0,0,32,24" ViewportUnits="Absolute" Viewbox="0,0,32,24" ViewboxUnits="Absolute"> <!-- your drawing commands --> <DrawingBrush>Will tile a 32x24 "drawing" across your slate such that it doesn't stretch and squish when the object is resized. Obviously change the Viewport and Viewbox to suit your tile size. (And no, you shouldn't read anything into this) |
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PopOverHttp.com | |
Date: 2/4/2007 | Apparently in the last little while PopOverHttp.com died because the hosting company upgraded to PHP4 and the scripts needed fixing for $_GET["field"] style access. And no one even emailed me that it was down. So it seems that no one is using it to any degree. I've fixed the site as far as I can tell by rewriting the scripts and testing most of the functions (all I had time for).
So I'm going to pull the plug on the hosting. Which will mean that it'll stay up for the better part of a year until the hosting I've already paid for runs out and then it'll lapse. I'll keep the domain indefinately because I'm not having some damn squatter put something offensive on it. If someone decides they want the service to live on, then they can take up the hosting bills. Which aren't much, something like USD$18/year. Or maybe move it to a different hosting company. Whatever. |
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Scribe/Mac Alpha 2 | |
Date: 27/3/2007 | The 2nd alpha of Scribe for the Mac was released this morning (also known as v1.89 Test15). It should fix all the basic usability issues that the first alpha had so that you can use it for normal emailing. I havn't looked at the calendar at all so I expect there'll be problems there. Also there is an outstanding issue with text measurement where the API reports the size of text is some pixels larger than it actually will draw, leaving a peice of undrawn screen (which I've coloured pink) at the end of a text run. This is just temporary while I work out what the problem is. Just ignore it and it'll go away in a future release.
Thanks for the feedback so far. I'll also stop going on about the progress here on the blog and intergrate the changes into the normal history on the Scribe page. If you want release notifications then create/configure it in an account. Also if you have already done that and get notifications of windows builds, you don't automatically get notifications of Mac builds unless you go and change your preferences to include that platform. Just so you know. |
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Scribe/Mac Alpha 1 | |
Date: 26/3/2007 | After 2 years of work I released a build of i.Scribe and InScribe for Mac OS X yesterday. And no one had even signed up for a notification email! (So the script broke). Anyway the first bug report is in and...? It doesn't run on 10.4.9 because it can't find the resource 'Scribe.lr8'. Which is weird because it finds that fine on my machines.
Also there are some other issues I'm aware of like, a) the app crashes when entering email for a contact (not sure how I missed that) and b) you can't enter spaces into text fields for some unknown reason. This worked a few days ago, I must've broken it very recently. So I'll get that all sorted out and post test15 shortly. If your experiencing the 'Scribe.lr8' error message try a logging build from the terminal and send me the output. For reasons unknown the download size is hovering around 2.1mb which is much larger than either the Windows build (950kb) or the Linux build (1.4mb). I don't know why that is, but if you have any ideas let me know! The binaries are built from more or less the same number of lines of source and sane GCC options so I'm at a loss as to why it's so big. I'm even wondering whether Lgi is being included statically inside the Scribe binary as well as being included as a separate framework. Is that even possible? Anyway crawl before walk right? |
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